No, it will not necessarily trigger a full audit of your company. Frequently, the state will ONLY audit the records submitted with the refund request and will not perform a complete audit of your records. Regardless, if you are due for a refund an audit is nothing to fear, however, prior to filing any refund requests with the state, you should look for liabilities and tailor your approach based on the specific circumstances.
Of all the firms we have reviewed, we have yet to find one where we were unable to deliver any savings. It is possible that your company could be the first. While we cannot guarantee we will find savings, by engaging Transportation Tax Consulting you gain confirmation and will have complete confidence that your company is maximizing the benefit of any available exemptions. Furthermore, we typically sign contingency-based contracts which take all risk out of the equation for our clients. If we do not deliver savings or economic benefit our client is under no obligation to compensate Transportation Tax Consulting. This eliminates the possibility of racking up substantial consulting bills that produce little or no client value.
Approximately 90% of our clients have had some type of prior review or believe they have the subject matter “covered” or “managed” correctly. We particularly focused on the transportation industry and the suppliers to the industry.
Transportation Tax Consulting does everything to minimize the time required for our clients. The big three-time commitments for a client are (1) kick-off teams meeting; (2) providing access to invoices; and (3) E-signing power of attorney forms.
A good consultant will identify more refund opportunities than if you were to perform the review with your in-house staff because of the familiarity a consultant has pursuing these refunds daily. We understand the unique nature of transactions in the transportation industries. Even next of our consulting fees you should receive a larger refund.
Transportation Tax Consulting uses a project management system – Asana – which is a secure online application which allows the client to see all activities. This is the best place for questions relating to the project will be in Asana. In addition, we provide the client with a monthly executive summary of the project with or without a monthly call depending on the client request.
At Transportation Tax, we're here to help with all your transportation tax needs. Whether you need guidance or have specific inquiries, our team is ready to support you. Reach out today!